We love our mac and we love torturing our kids on it. poor baby!!
Thomas had his 9 month check up this week. He was still in the 25% for weight at 19.1 pounds.
He was up to 90% on height at 29.5 inches long and his head was still giant at 47cm. He didnt have to have any vaccines this time. They just checked his hematocrit to check for anemia, which i am assuming is normal since i didnt get a call back. It was very unevenful, which is good. We did get a new prescription for some stronger hydrocortisone cream for his eczema.
He is growing like crazy. he is very opinionated and lets you know very plainly when he isnt happy. He pulls up on everything now and lets go and stands a brief moment before he falls. His hair is so long and blonde and he has beautiful blue eyes like his brother.
What fun pictures! I have to admit, I sat here for some time trying to figure out the first picture before I realized what was going on...LOL! Must be my "pregnancy brain." I have been doing a lot of dumb things lately.
I remember going through different kinds of corizone creams and ointments for R's eczema problems. It seemed like time went on some would lose their potency. Ultimately, Fluticisone ointment ended up being our favouriet. Now that he is 5, some of his eczema has gotten better, but it seems to move around his body. It use to be his hands that was the big problem, not it is his feet! (And various patches around his body) UGH! Eczema is one of the biggest pains in my opinion:)
great funny pics! glad all went well with the dr appt. he's going to be walking before you know it!!
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