I am such a slacker lately. I havent been updating the blog like I should and this week I know I won't because I will be in NC at the lake.
So, this past week I worked a 16 hour day and then a 12 hour night the next day so Dave took the boys to school and I picked them up. I dont know what it is about when I pick them up, but it seems so hectic and chaotic no matter what time I go, so that leads me to believe it is always that way. So, I go to get Thomas and there are 2 preschoolers in the baby room and about 4 outside the door with some grown man, who I think was the teachers baby daddy. Then as I was going in to get Thomas, one of the preschoolers walked out with a baby. I think they were the teachers kids but still, that is unacceptable 1st that there were kids in the room at all. I think I am overly cautious now that we have a peanut allergy, but any of those kids could have had it for lunch and then touched thomas or even on their feet. I just was about livid about that and then Jeremiah runs in and is sunburned from being outside (with no sunscreen). The kids are just having a free for all and the teachers are just hanging out talking to each other. As soon as I got in the car, I texted Dave and said thats it, Im done with the Daycare. He immediately calls me asking whats wrong, yada yada. I guess what saved them from me all along was the fact that Dave was the primary person to take and pick up, so once I got to see first hand for myself, it didnt take me long to realize, I wanted no part of that, so I out in my 2 weeks notice and paid up through July when my 2 weeks was up, like a good little girl, despite the fact that I wanted to just be done!
So, now I am very limited as to when I can work, but I am also limited as to the money I need to make since I dont have the $700 daycare to pay. So, I can work Thursday night, or Friday day or Friday night or Saturday day or Saturday night or any other night 7-11 and occassionally a 3-11pm. So, I still have choices and all I 'need' to make now is just my $300 to keep the debt snowball rolling.
We had a bonfire tonight with the CIY kids. It was fun, Danny and Karie got to come too and bring their kids going to CIY tomorrow as well. They get to come to church with us in the morning and then I am leaving to go to VA for a night and then off to the lake. I am making a stop in Winston to visit a friend and then I have a few friends coming down during the week to visit and my grandmother is coming too, so it should be a fun week.
I'll post pics when I return.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Fun weekend with mom and sis

This weekend we had a great time with my mom and sister. They arrived Thurday night and stayed until Sunday morning. We went to a local festival and Jeremiah rode rides and we listened to a band and Dave played Texas Hold em. It was great fun. We swam a lot and went to a yard sale and had free lunch at Ace's. It was so bittersweet though, because it was the last time I will get to see my sister for a while. She moved on Monday to Texas. It was sad, but it will be a good thing for her to spread her wings a little and learn to live. She had 5 interviews a few weeks ago and Im sure will be back interviewing as soon as she gets settled in. Good luck Kenzie. We will miss you like crazy, but we are already saving up for a trip to Texas to see you.
Some how I only had pics of mom and the boys. Sorry Ken, somehow we didnt get pics of you. Bummer!!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
peanut allergy info
Ok, so today I went to get educated about Thomas' peanut allergy. I feel pretty informed on the egg allergy but I needed more info on the milk one and especially the peanut allergy.
It was really informative and quite scary.
Here is a summary of what I gathered:
1) If Thomas ever comes in contact with peanuts (nuts/candy with nuts/peanut butter), we need to give the epi pen 1st, put the dissolvable benadryl in his cheek, and call the ambulance. Even if he doesn't have a reaction at first, she says it is better safe than sorry and easier to save his airway if we do it immediately rather than wait to see if he will react. This is so very hard for me to imagine doing. With Jeremiah, we give benadryl if we see hives and watch for a more sever reaction, but all he has ever had is hives, which benadryl clears up. I cant imagine giving Thomas a shot of epinephrine and going to the ER, without him ever having a reaction. But, that is what the Doctor told me to do.
2)We have to completely rid our house of peanuts and tree nuts. Anything with them in it or made on the same equipment or in the same factory even. That means Jeremiah is no longer allowed to eat it in our house or any time he could remotely come in contact with Thomas.
Jeremiah is also now allergic to walnuts, so we can not do tree nuts as well. That includes no hand dipped ice creams, since one with nuts may have been scooped before one without and cross contaminated. No bakeries, no buffets, no sprinkles.
3)We have to work really hard to get Winnie the Pooh and our church to be a peanut free zone. If other kids eat and then play and Thomas comes in contact with peanut-butter and rubs his eyes or puts his hand in his mouth, he could react. If it is on any of Jermiah's clothes or bag or shoes and Thomas comes in contact with it, he could react. I also need to work to have them get into a habit of washing their hands and faces after eating, rather than just before, to prevent any cross contamination.
4) I am going to have to start cooking more. Peanuts and tree nuts are hidden in lots of things. It is near impossible to know for certain if what we eat out is safe, therefore we need to steer on the cautious side and not risk it. That, in and of itself will be a challenge. I will need to come up with new ideas for snacks, that don't include milk, eggs, peanuts or any other nuts. That should be fun! No more eating out Asian, for sure, as they use lots of nuts in the food and oil.
5) We have to have our epi pens, benadryl, and emergency plan ready at all times, have people know where to find them and how to use them. It will make it really hard to leave Thomas with a sitter, grandparent or daycare and feel comfortable about it.
6) We will have to hope Thomas will be as outspoken as Jeremiah about his allergy and not be shy about it. He will really need to be one to ask if things are safe to eat or come and ask me and not just eat something someone gives him. This will be really hard at gatherings where people think they are helping you out by feeding your kid. Feeding my kid could be hazardous to his health. That is scary.
We just pray that Thomas never has an anaphylactic reaction to peanuts or Jeremiah to walnuts, but you have to be safe and prepared just in case.
1 more thing- they passed a law saying that the 5 main allergens had to be labeled(milk/soy/egg/peanut/wheat) HOWEVER, if it is listed in the list of main ingredients as its main name (milk), it doesn't have to be re-listed in the BOLD list at the bottom of the ingredients. This means you have to read the entire list of ingredients, not just scan the bold list. This was new info to me. I thought if it had eggs, it would say in the bold, but if it is listed as egg white, it may or may not be re-listed as EGG in the allergy list. So, you have to be very careful!!!
Things to also avoid with an:
egg allergy: albumen, egg white, dried egg, powdered egg, egg white, mayonaise, meringue, pasta, marshmallows, nougat, lechithin
milk allergy: casein, butter, cheese, cream, custard, yogurt, phosphate, whey, sour cream, nougat, pudding, milk in all forms-condensed/dry/evaporated/malted/powder/skim/whole
peanut/tree nuts: artificial nuts, beer nuts, goobers, ground nuts, nut pieces/mixed nuts, peanut butter/ peanut flour, any asian dishes, baked goods, egg rolls
It was really informative and quite scary.
Here is a summary of what I gathered:
1) If Thomas ever comes in contact with peanuts (nuts/candy with nuts/peanut butter), we need to give the epi pen 1st, put the dissolvable benadryl in his cheek, and call the ambulance. Even if he doesn't have a reaction at first, she says it is better safe than sorry and easier to save his airway if we do it immediately rather than wait to see if he will react. This is so very hard for me to imagine doing. With Jeremiah, we give benadryl if we see hives and watch for a more sever reaction, but all he has ever had is hives, which benadryl clears up. I cant imagine giving Thomas a shot of epinephrine and going to the ER, without him ever having a reaction. But, that is what the Doctor told me to do.
2)We have to completely rid our house of peanuts and tree nuts. Anything with them in it or made on the same equipment or in the same factory even. That means Jeremiah is no longer allowed to eat it in our house or any time he could remotely come in contact with Thomas.
Jeremiah is also now allergic to walnuts, so we can not do tree nuts as well. That includes no hand dipped ice creams, since one with nuts may have been scooped before one without and cross contaminated. No bakeries, no buffets, no sprinkles.
3)We have to work really hard to get Winnie the Pooh and our church to be a peanut free zone. If other kids eat and then play and Thomas comes in contact with peanut-butter and rubs his eyes or puts his hand in his mouth, he could react. If it is on any of Jermiah's clothes or bag or shoes and Thomas comes in contact with it, he could react. I also need to work to have them get into a habit of washing their hands and faces after eating, rather than just before, to prevent any cross contamination.
4) I am going to have to start cooking more. Peanuts and tree nuts are hidden in lots of things. It is near impossible to know for certain if what we eat out is safe, therefore we need to steer on the cautious side and not risk it. That, in and of itself will be a challenge. I will need to come up with new ideas for snacks, that don't include milk, eggs, peanuts or any other nuts. That should be fun! No more eating out Asian, for sure, as they use lots of nuts in the food and oil.
5) We have to have our epi pens, benadryl, and emergency plan ready at all times, have people know where to find them and how to use them. It will make it really hard to leave Thomas with a sitter, grandparent or daycare and feel comfortable about it.
6) We will have to hope Thomas will be as outspoken as Jeremiah about his allergy and not be shy about it. He will really need to be one to ask if things are safe to eat or come and ask me and not just eat something someone gives him. This will be really hard at gatherings where people think they are helping you out by feeding your kid. Feeding my kid could be hazardous to his health. That is scary.
We just pray that Thomas never has an anaphylactic reaction to peanuts or Jeremiah to walnuts, but you have to be safe and prepared just in case.
1 more thing- they passed a law saying that the 5 main allergens had to be labeled(milk/soy/egg/peanut/wheat) HOWEVER, if it is listed in the list of main ingredients as its main name (milk), it doesn't have to be re-listed in the BOLD list at the bottom of the ingredients. This means you have to read the entire list of ingredients, not just scan the bold list. This was new info to me. I thought if it had eggs, it would say in the bold, but if it is listed as egg white, it may or may not be re-listed as EGG in the allergy list. So, you have to be very careful!!!
Things to also avoid with an:
egg allergy: albumen, egg white, dried egg, powdered egg, egg white, mayonaise, meringue, pasta, marshmallows, nougat, lechithin
milk allergy: casein, butter, cheese, cream, custard, yogurt, phosphate, whey, sour cream, nougat, pudding, milk in all forms-condensed/dry/evaporated/malted/powder/skim/whole
peanut/tree nuts: artificial nuts, beer nuts, goobers, ground nuts, nut pieces/mixed nuts, peanut butter/ peanut flour, any asian dishes, baked goods, egg rolls
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
practicing trust
There are just some days when I just want to scream. Today just happens to be one of those days. Not because of Jeremiah, which is usually the reason, but because of other things. I am reading ruthless trust and working on trusting that God is in control and He will fix all that ails me. It is hard, but I know He wont let me down. Pray with me please that I trust and be patient.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Our little man can crawl
Thomas has been trying to crawl for a few days but hasn't gotten up the nerve, UNTIL TODAY!
He has a funny little crawl; he pulls his leg along like it doesn't work.
My life is about to be so much busier!!!
Jeremiah is a proud big brother. Thomas doesn't really like how Jeremiah hold him and thus the crying.
He has a funny little crawl; he pulls his leg along like it doesn't work.
My life is about to be so much busier!!!
Jeremiah is a proud big brother. Thomas doesn't really like how Jeremiah hold him and thus the crying.

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