I have great friends. They surprised me this morning with a git certificate in the exact amount I needed to get my 3D/4D ultrasound. That is amazing. I was bummed that I wasnt getting it, but had moved on and then I get this and now I am so excited again. Thank you so much to Lee, Amanda and Kellie. That is a wonderful way to make someones day. Mom and Mackenzie are coming up this weekend and we may do it while they are here. That was PERFECT timing. Thanks again. I love my friends and my life!
Pictures of Thomas will be coming soon. yay!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
First name vs Middle name
Mackenzie and Dylan are both middle names, so all through school they had to correct their teachers and say no actually it's Mackenzie or Dylan. They, and other people that go by their middle names, have said that was annoying and not to do that to a kid. What do you think? Is it annoying and if you know you want them to be Thomas, should that for sure be his first name?
I like the name Jacob too, but I like Jacob Thomas (JT) but i dont want him to be Jacob or Jake, it is just too common right now. I want a Thomas. Just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on it.
I like the name Jacob too, but I like Jacob Thomas (JT) but i dont want him to be Jacob or Jake, it is just too common right now. I want a Thomas. Just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on it.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
On the schedule
We recieved confirmation yesterday that we are scheduled to have our C-section at 1:00pm on Wednesday November 28th at Mercy Anderson.
We have to arrive at 11:00am and can have nothing to eat or drink past midnight.
It is easy to get into countdown mode at this point but I want to be able to enjoy this miracle in the making as much as I can.
We have to arrive at 11:00am and can have nothing to eat or drink past midnight.
It is easy to get into countdown mode at this point but I want to be able to enjoy this miracle in the making as much as I can.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
29 weeks
I am 29 weeks now. I went for my Glucose Tolerance Test and they said I would only hear from them if it were bad. Well, this am they called me, so i got a little scared, but then she said, NO, your sugar was fine, your iron was just low, so we are going to have to take iron supplements. GREAT. She said it shouldnt constipate me, which iron has a tendency to do. That was my main thing with it.
So, I have decided against the 3D/4D ultrasound. I want it but i just cant justify it now with money like it is and I have heard many people say they arent that great anyway.
My friend Tammy had her baby which is so exciting. Its almost like my countdown because she was 10 weeks ahead of me and now she is done, so I am next. Robbie was 8 lb. 1 oz and 23 inches long.
So, I have decided against the 3D/4D ultrasound. I want it but i just cant justify it now with money like it is and I have heard many people say they arent that great anyway.
My friend Tammy had her baby which is so exciting. Its almost like my countdown because she was 10 weeks ahead of me and now she is done, so I am next. Robbie was 8 lb. 1 oz and 23 inches long.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Done with 2?
Today I asked the MD if I could have my tubes tied while they were in doing the c-section. He said no, they like 30 or 3. Meaning I have to be 30 years old or have 3 kids and that i should just consider an IUD for a few years. I guess thats fair. I am pretty sure I want to be done with two but I guess anything could happen and I could for whatever reason change my mind. But once we are for sure, Im pretty sure Dave is gonna get the clip as well. We arent going to have any surprise baby at 40.
No Thanks you!
No Thanks you!
Friday, September 7, 2007
Bittersweet thoughts of 1 and 2
It is kind of bittersweet to imagine life with more than just Jeremiah. We have become accustomed to life with one kid. It is nice. We look at these people with more than one and see how much harder life is. At night, if Jeremiah wants to sleep with us, its ok because it is just him. It is easy to go to the park or to a movie or the mall with one kid.
On the other hand, he is spoiled. He knows he is our only little man and the only one for G and Papa and Nana and Pop. He knows how to ask for things and get it.
He is smart, sneaky, and spoiled. I know i contributed much to this, and now i feel the need to do it all the more since in 3 months he will no longer be our center of attention. I almost hate it for him. He doesnt know what is about to happen and i wish there was a way to prepare him.
It makes me sad to watch him play at home by himself, talking to himself and his toys.
I feel almost selfish that I didn't have a child sooner than now for him to play with. I feel like I have deprived him and now his life will be rocked. I know it won't be (I hope) as dramatic as I feel like it could, but it is still easy to see why people have more than 1 kid and close together. I feel like my saying 'I dont have the sanity for more than 1 kid', like I did until recently, was very selfish of me and I should have thought more about him than me.
I cant imagine life with more than one kid right now. We have become used to and comfortable with life this way.
I just hope it goes better than i am expecting. I hope Jeremiah just takes the Big brother role and runs with it. I hope he is a big helper and loves it and doesnt feel like it is what he has to do. I hope we can still show him all the love we have for the past almost 4 years and he doesnt miss a beat. I also hope we love Thomas like we do Jeremiah and Thomas doesnt feel like Jeremiahs life was so much better than his. I'm sure im over thinking this, but it is hard not to.
Yeah, so this is what I think about alot right now.
On the other hand, he is spoiled. He knows he is our only little man and the only one for G and Papa and Nana and Pop. He knows how to ask for things and get it.
He is smart, sneaky, and spoiled. I know i contributed much to this, and now i feel the need to do it all the more since in 3 months he will no longer be our center of attention. I almost hate it for him. He doesnt know what is about to happen and i wish there was a way to prepare him.
It makes me sad to watch him play at home by himself, talking to himself and his toys.
I feel almost selfish that I didn't have a child sooner than now for him to play with. I feel like I have deprived him and now his life will be rocked. I know it won't be (I hope) as dramatic as I feel like it could, but it is still easy to see why people have more than 1 kid and close together. I feel like my saying 'I dont have the sanity for more than 1 kid', like I did until recently, was very selfish of me and I should have thought more about him than me.
I cant imagine life with more than one kid right now. We have become used to and comfortable with life this way.
I just hope it goes better than i am expecting. I hope Jeremiah just takes the Big brother role and runs with it. I hope he is a big helper and loves it and doesnt feel like it is what he has to do. I hope we can still show him all the love we have for the past almost 4 years and he doesnt miss a beat. I also hope we love Thomas like we do Jeremiah and Thomas doesnt feel like Jeremiahs life was so much better than his. I'm sure im over thinking this, but it is hard not to.
Yeah, so this is what I think about alot right now.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
My Cincy Weaknesses
I had mentioned that the reason i thought this baby had grown so much since i moved here had to do with the Skyline Chili and the Snowies. I just wanted to shine a little light on what those looked like for all you southerners.
From what i hear, they have these Hawaiin Ice/Snowie stands all over the midwest, but we didnt have them in NC and we only had 1 in VA, but it wasnt nearly as good as these, and they are everywhere here.
Skyline is a Cincinnati thing and has become our Monday night routine, thanks to kids eat free on Monday nights. We now know how to order and we get a Large 3-Way "Juicy". Our waitress, (who now knows us and our order as soon as she sees us, )introduced us to this 'juicy' way of ordering. She said it just gives you more, since we split it. It is SO good, and filling. One more great thing about Skyline is that they have good sweet tea, which is hard to come by up here. (And yes, there is really that big of a mound of cheese on top.)
Here are a few pics of why this baby seems to be growing. Sugar (snowie) and Fat (Skyline).

From what i hear, they have these Hawaiin Ice/Snowie stands all over the midwest, but we didnt have them in NC and we only had 1 in VA, but it wasnt nearly as good as these, and they are everywhere here.
Skyline is a Cincinnati thing and has become our Monday night routine, thanks to kids eat free on Monday nights. We now know how to order and we get a Large 3-Way "Juicy". Our waitress, (who now knows us and our order as soon as she sees us, )introduced us to this 'juicy' way of ordering. She said it just gives you more, since we split it. It is SO good, and filling. One more great thing about Skyline is that they have good sweet tea, which is hard to come by up here. (And yes, there is really that big of a mound of cheese on top.)
Here are a few pics of why this baby seems to be growing. Sugar (snowie) and Fat (Skyline).

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
3D/4D Ultrasound- What to do?
I am debating whether or not to do a 3D/4D ultrasound. They look really cool, to be able to see your baby upclose and personal. I wouldnt have done it with Jeremiah because we were surprised as to his gender, but we know this baby is a boy.
It is kind of pricey, but with the $50 off coupon, it makes it $175. For that you get a 20-30 minute session recorded on a color DVD and VHS to music, so I can share it with the family. You also get 4 color pictures and a cd of 15-30 color images to email or print and a website hosting of the images. Also, for that price you get a free facial or pedicure and half off any other ultrasound during this pregnancy.
It sound so good and it is something I didnt do with Jeremiah. There are so many things I did with him, that I wont be able to do with Thomas, so I think I should, but then again it seems like a lot of money.
What to do, what to do.
I'll keep you posted as to what i choose. If i do it, i need to do it in the next 2-3 weeks.
the website is www.becomingmomspa.com if you want to see what it looks like, they have a video sample.
It is kind of pricey, but with the $50 off coupon, it makes it $175. For that you get a 20-30 minute session recorded on a color DVD and VHS to music, so I can share it with the family. You also get 4 color pictures and a cd of 15-30 color images to email or print and a website hosting of the images. Also, for that price you get a free facial or pedicure and half off any other ultrasound during this pregnancy.
It sound so good and it is something I didnt do with Jeremiah. There are so many things I did with him, that I wont be able to do with Thomas, so I think I should, but then again it seems like a lot of money.
What to do, what to do.
I'll keep you posted as to what i choose. If i do it, i need to do it in the next 2-3 weeks.
the website is www.becomingmomspa.com if you want to see what it looks like, they have a video sample.
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