Wednesday, September 19, 2007

29 weeks

I am 29 weeks now. I went for my Glucose Tolerance Test and they said I would only hear from them if it were bad. Well, this am they called me, so i got a little scared, but then she said, NO, your sugar was fine, your iron was just low, so we are going to have to take iron supplements. GREAT. She said it shouldnt constipate me, which iron has a tendency to do. That was my main thing with it.
So, I have decided against the 3D/4D ultrasound. I want it but i just cant justify it now with money like it is and I have heard many people say they arent that great anyway.
My friend Tammy had her baby which is so exciting. Its almost like my countdown because she was 10 weeks ahead of me and now she is done, so I am next. Robbie was 8 lb. 1 oz and 23 inches long.

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