Saturday, October 13, 2007

Jeremiah not so sure about this

So ever since our 3D ultrasound Jeremiah is not excited about this baby. He now says he doesnt want a brother. The other night he just cried and cried that he didnt want to sleep in his bed. He grabbed our arms and screamed for us to please not leave him. We would be in the hall and he would scream "please, i love you, dont leave me alone". It had us both in tears. It was like we were letting him down and breaking his heart, which literally broke ours. We all had a good cry that night. I cant help but think that Jeremiah is acting out now because he does realize that he is about to have to share and it scares him. I hope he can get over this before the baby gets here (or soon after).
We rearranged rooms so now he is closer to our room, which so far has seemed to help, but he still wants to be close to us a lot and sometimes wanders in at night.
He has never cried when I take him to class at church or preschool or anything. We have always been able to drop him off and he say "see ya mom" and go play. For the past two weeks he has cried crocidile tears and screamed for me not to leave him at Mops and at church. He just wants to be with me. He knows how to make it happen too. He says " mom i will be quiet and sit still, i promise". He is so smart.
It is really hard for us right now to be hard and say no when he just wants to be near us and love on us. We have made a mutual decision to just love on him and be with him all he needs right now. We know one day he wont want to be near us so we are cherishing every moment we have now.

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