Bright eyed on his boppy! He likes his belly and is pretty strong already.
Sweet sleeping boys!
His hair looks so curly after a bath.
Ready for a trip out.
Right as we begin to have a bit of a routine, we will screw it up by heading to Va for a week for Christmas. Dave is finally back in our room, Jeremiah is finally back in his room, and Thomas is in the pack and play rather than my bed. Last night he slept one stretch for 5 hours. It was great.
He has started to have a little baby acne. He is becoming more like Jeremiah. For the first 2 weeks, he was so still and a cuddler. He still cuddles, but he is much more active and raises his head a lot but then flops over. I remember with Jeremiah we were afraid when people held him because he was like that and if you weren't careful, he'd flop right out of your arms.
He has started to have a little baby acne. He is becoming more like Jeremiah. For the first 2 weeks, he was so still and a cuddler. He still cuddles, but he is much more active and raises his head a lot but then flops over. I remember with Jeremiah we were afraid when people held him because he was like that and if you weren't careful, he'd flop right out of your arms.
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