Thursday, January 29, 2009

what is normal?

Dave and I have always wanted normalcy in our lives. We have always wanted consistency. This is my last week of being a stay at home mom. I wanted to enjoy it to the fullest. This week was as close as we have ever gotten to 'normal'. We had snow days on Tues and Wed so Dave was home all day both days. He was home every night this week, which doesnt happen often. It was nice to have a 'normal' life for once. It is rare in ministry to have Dave home 4 nights in a row. We have played canasta together after the boys have gone to bed, we have had home coked meals all week, the boys have had very consistent bedtimes. It has been 'normal' and it has been nice! I have craved more community though. I have invited 2 friends over and a couple for dinner twice this week. Unfortunately the weather hasn't permitted it.
I used to not mind being home by myself and not being around people, but God has changed that in me. I realize I need people in my life. I enjoy people in my life now. I enjoy talking to people and listenng to people. I enjoy playing games and eating meals with friends. I loved my normal life while it lasted but unfortunately next week it all goes away. I start work full time and will be gone 3 nights a week. It will be fine though. It won't be 'normal' but it will be good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh how I empathize with so much of this post (okay--not the husband and kids part, but you know). :)
I also have been questioning normal and in that realizing that normal changes and we have to be okay with that. What I think helps is to realize that our desire for community is a God given need. I can completely empathize with wanting connections and such. I know life is about to get hectic for you guys, but we must get together--we need that community! Love you!