Monday, February 25, 2008

Weigh Down begins 2/26/08

Alright, Im doing it and Im starting tomorrow. I am reading this book called Weigh Down and it is about changing your lifestyle and the way you eat and have always have thought about eating. I have decided to do it after a few of my friends have done it and it has literally transformed their lives. One friend from the time she went in to have her baby has lost over 100 lbs and one has lost 40. I could stand to lose about 30(or so)so that is my goal; here we go. I am announcing it to help keep myself accountable. I, by this time next year at the latest, want to be 30 lbs less and no longer addicted to sodas and caffeine.
I will go more over the way it works as i see weight loss and as i read more about it. So far, this is what i know. You are to wait to feel hunger before you eat, so your belly growl, for instance. Then you are to only eat until you are 'politely full', not having to unbutton your pants or anything. You are allowed to eat anything you want, as long as you are hungry. Whatever your body is craving is allowed. You just have to pay attention and stop when you become full. Then wait again for hunger, even if that means you eat breakfast and have to skip lunch. It requires leaning on God and praying when you feel the need to eat when you aren't hungry or want to overeat. It is about obedience to God. He didnt make us fat. We did that to ourselves. I'll keep you posted as I lose(hopefully).

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