Here are a few photos of our Santas. They were pretty cute- well the little one was anyway!
Christmas is almost here. I cant wait to travel home. I can wait, however, to work Christmas Eve 7pm- 7 am. Oh well, thats life. We will go to my parents on Christmas Day to do presents with them and my brother and his girlfriend. Mackenzie cant come home, she has to work Christmas eve and then after Christmas. Then we head to the Farris' to do gifts that night. Friday, my parents go to the lake so we hang out with Daves parents and are going out with Danny and Karie on a date that night. Saturday is wide open but may include Macados or poker. Sunday we are going to NC to Bridges Church and lunch with our old crew from Winston. Yay- that will be fun. Then to the lake for Christmas with my cousins Sunday night. Monday is open but may include a basketball game. Tuesday we are having Christmas at the lake with my grandmother, aunts and uncles and more cousins( the other side). Then we have new years eve and day, which is unplanned as of now. Sounds like a busy trip. When we get back, Alyse is coming to visit, which we are stoked about. Yay- Christmas is fun!
Safe travels to you all and Merry Christmas!!!
Thomas Claus - SO CUTE
DVD Claus - aaahhh he's alright
Hey Mandy and Dave,
We would love to see you all while you all are in the Tarheel (GO TARHEELS!!!) state! Wade, Matthew and I are all off the entire week after Christmas so if you all want to give us a call maybe we can get together for a few minutes. All the kids at JCC would LOVE to see you so maybe we can get together something with them. Just call or e-mail and let us know when you call have some free time. Love and miss you all!!
Kim, Wade and Matt and the Whole JCC crew!!!
good grief...you are going to be busy...but sounds like so much fun! enjoy your time with your family! i'm jealous. :)
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