Thursday, December 11, 2008

J is awesome!

I am so proud of Jeremiah. He has been doing so great in school. His teachers both told me he is like a new kid. He doesn't talk back anymore, he isn't hitting or getting into trouble, he is using his manners. It is so nice to finally have a little payoff for all our hard work with him. He has been a really difficult kid and it has been hard for me. I think it is because he is so much Dave and so little me that i found him so challenging. It is just now that i really enjoy him consistantly. The past 3 years have been really difficult. He is really good with Thomas. H eplays with him and is usually gentle. He shares with him. I love it now that he gets it. A friend really complimented his behavior the other day as a few kids were being really rough and hit him and kicked him. He handled himself really well. She said she would have had a hard time blaming him if he did haul off and hit them back because they almost deserved it. He said to me "they didnt make good choices mom, but i chose to not hit them back". Finally, he gets it! That is awesome and makes Dave and I so proud. He is getting to be so grown up, which i love and hate at the same time. It makes life so much easier but then again, he will never be 5 again. I just wanted to brag a little on my sweet big boy J.

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