Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Doctor visit at 26 weeks
We went to the doctor today and saw Dr. Flemming. He was very nice. Pretty much all we did was weigh me and measure me.
I had gained 8 pounds and was measuring right on target. He let Jeremiah hold the doppler while he listened to the heart beat which Jeremiah just thought was really cool. He asked him if he would like to come work with them and be a doctor. Jeremiah said no, he neded to go home and watch Willie Wanka, because Agustus falls in the chocolate river. Dr. Flemming just laughed.
He is the doctor that will be on call on Wednesdays so hopefully he will do my c-section on the 28th of November. The heart rate was strong and in the 140s.
So pretty much it was an uneventful visit, which was good.
We will go back at 28 weeks for the glucose tolerance test.
I had gained 8 pounds and was measuring right on target. He let Jeremiah hold the doppler while he listened to the heart beat which Jeremiah just thought was really cool. He asked him if he would like to come work with them and be a doctor. Jeremiah said no, he neded to go home and watch Willie Wanka, because Agustus falls in the chocolate river. Dr. Flemming just laughed.
He is the doctor that will be on call on Wednesdays so hopefully he will do my c-section on the 28th of November. The heart rate was strong and in the 140s.
So pretty much it was an uneventful visit, which was good.
We will go back at 28 weeks for the glucose tolerance test.
Monday, August 27, 2007
26 weeks
so here we are a few weeks further along. I feel like I have gained a lot in the past month. I go to the MD Wed. so we will see what he says. I think all the Snowies and Skyline Chili is beginning to catch up to me. I also am having some swelling in my hands and feet, but I mainly feel like it is due to the heat. I hope anyway. I still feel pretty good though.
I traveled to VA this weekend and it was a long 6 hour drive by myself. We had a great time though. We went to G's lake and swam. It was so warm, it almost didnt cool you off. We got to hang out with Dylan and Mackenzie. Mawmaw came to the lake for a night. It is good to be back home though.
Here is a pic of me now at 26 weeks.
I traveled to VA this weekend and it was a long 6 hour drive by myself. We had a great time though. We went to G's lake and swam. It was so warm, it almost didnt cool you off. We got to hang out with Dylan and Mackenzie. Mawmaw came to the lake for a night. It is good to be back home though.
Here is a pic of me now at 26 weeks.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Jeremiah has no idea how his life will change
I almost feel sorry for the little guy. Dave and I were first born so we know the agony of a new sibling. It is rough. Somehow, I guess I was too busy taking care of two to be very jealous. Dave on the other hand was very jealous of Danny. They were 5 years apart, we were 3 andn 1/2. Jeremiah and Thomas will be 4 years apart.
He is sometimes cute with other kids 'petting' them or talking in a sweet voice about how cute they are. But then he will try to force the Nuk in their mouth or raise up their head and force a pillow under their head. We will have our hands so full, just watching him. He is excited about having a job to help. He likes making sure the baby has his Nuk so he wants to be on Nuk patrol.
It will be so fun to watch and see how he handles all this new baby stuff. The main thing, I think, for him, will be split attention. He is a daddys boy so to have his dad hold and love someone else will be hard for him. Not to mention me, G and Papa, and Nana and Pop.
He needs lots of prayers right now, because I just am afraid he may regress or start acting out(worse) to get attention again. Please pray that he adjust well.
He is sometimes cute with other kids 'petting' them or talking in a sweet voice about how cute they are. But then he will try to force the Nuk in their mouth or raise up their head and force a pillow under their head. We will have our hands so full, just watching him. He is excited about having a job to help. He likes making sure the baby has his Nuk so he wants to be on Nuk patrol.
It will be so fun to watch and see how he handles all this new baby stuff. The main thing, I think, for him, will be split attention. He is a daddys boy so to have his dad hold and love someone else will be hard for him. Not to mention me, G and Papa, and Nana and Pop.
He needs lots of prayers right now, because I just am afraid he may regress or start acting out(worse) to get attention again. Please pray that he adjust well.
Monday, August 13, 2007
A Question of Southern Hospitality
People have always said that people in the south are friendlier. I am not sure of that. I thought moving to "the north" would be bad because of all these yankees and how rude they are. Maybe it is just here, but the people are really friendly.
I think i have been subconsciously trying to not like it here because it isnt NC or VA, but i really like it here so far. I havent experienced a winter yet, but the summer so far has been great! I think there are great people all over the world and sometimes it just takes being open and willing to see them. Ohio besides from being 6 hours away from our families is not as bad as i was hoping. I think we may enjoy it here.
The only thing that makes me sad is if Jeremiah loses his cute little southern accent and that Thomas wont have one except for what he picks up from his brother and VA family. That is sad because i LOVE his accent.
I think i have been subconsciously trying to not like it here because it isnt NC or VA, but i really like it here so far. I havent experienced a winter yet, but the summer so far has been great! I think there are great people all over the world and sometimes it just takes being open and willing to see them. Ohio besides from being 6 hours away from our families is not as bad as i was hoping. I think we may enjoy it here.
The only thing that makes me sad is if Jeremiah loses his cute little southern accent and that Thomas wont have one except for what he picks up from his brother and VA family. That is sad because i LOVE his accent.
Getting much better!!
After lots of prayer and numerous jumping jacks and proding on my belly, i think i have made the baby change positions. He doesnt seem to be wedged down in my pelvis because my pain has subsided a ton. There is still the bone seperating pain, but it is a more uncomfortable that it is Pain, like when he was chillin down there. Thank the Lord!
So we are doing good now.
Just trying to stay cool. It was 100 degrees one day last week, but not like 100 in NC, because the humidity is much less.
So we are doing good now.
Just trying to stay cool. It was 100 degrees one day last week, but not like 100 in NC, because the humidity is much less.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
The sex is...
so we went to the doctor for the ultrasound today and she kept proding to get it to open its legs and finally it did
Its a BOY!!!
Everything looked great. He is measuring just right.
We are on track for a Wed. Nov 28th c-section.
We like the name Thomas for a boy. I liked Thomas Gray, but Dave isnt sure yet, so we are in the market or a middle name.
Thanks for the prayers, God is good and he knows what we need.
Its a BOY!!!
Everything looked great. He is measuring just right.
We are on track for a Wed. Nov 28th c-section.
We like the name Thomas for a boy. I liked Thomas Gray, but Dave isnt sure yet, so we are in the market or a middle name.
Thanks for the prayers, God is good and he knows what we need.
To the MD
k, so today we went to the MD. I was supposed to go Monday, but he had a death so it got backed up to Tuesday. I have gained 6 pounds, which is pretty good. At my last visit, i had lost 1 pound so i gained it back plus 5. Not too bad. The baby's heart rate was 160. My urine was free of sugar and protein. I have no swelling. The baby is constantly moving and kicking me. Dave has felt it multiple times. I have tried to get Jeremiah to feel but he wont wait and focus long enough to feel it.
I drank chocolate milk last night and this baby did flips for 2 hours.
Sunday night, my bone hurt so bad, i called Tia and had her to verify for me that it was ok to take a vicodin. I hurt so bad i had to take a vicodin. It dulled it at most. When I meantioned that to the MD, he said that was fine as long as i didnt chase it with three shots of whiskey.
I told the MD about my pain and he said "its early for that to be hurting, but it happens."
I was like yeah... and ...
He said take up to a gram of tylenol every 6 hours. Ok, well, i take 500 mg tylenol anyway, when i need it, so he just told me to take 2 tylenol every 6 hours. I said what else can we do, he said if at my next visit, i can do short term narcotics if needed.
Hopefully i wont need it, but just in case, it is nice to know there is something else we can do.
Please pray that this eases off a little.
I go Thursday to find out the sex. That is exciting. I havent really thought about it much or been anxious but now that it is scheduled, i cant wait to find out.
I drank chocolate milk last night and this baby did flips for 2 hours.
Sunday night, my bone hurt so bad, i called Tia and had her to verify for me that it was ok to take a vicodin. I hurt so bad i had to take a vicodin. It dulled it at most. When I meantioned that to the MD, he said that was fine as long as i didnt chase it with three shots of whiskey.
I told the MD about my pain and he said "its early for that to be hurting, but it happens."
I was like yeah... and ...
He said take up to a gram of tylenol every 6 hours. Ok, well, i take 500 mg tylenol anyway, when i need it, so he just told me to take 2 tylenol every 6 hours. I said what else can we do, he said if at my next visit, i can do short term narcotics if needed.
Hopefully i wont need it, but just in case, it is nice to know there is something else we can do.
Please pray that this eases off a little.
I go Thursday to find out the sex. That is exciting. I havent really thought about it much or been anxious but now that it is scheduled, i cant wait to find out.
Pain at 23 weeks
Ok, so, i was starting to feel pretty good after getting settled in and not having to lift and unpack boxes, until the past 5 days have gotten so much worse.
I have been having some pubic bone pain on and off and i did some with jeremiah, so i knew it was the pubic bones seperating and relaxing a little to make room for the baby to fit throuh the pelvis. I got that, but it got so much worse.
I have been researching and as far as i can tell, i must have too much of the hormone relaxin (the hormone responnsible for the stretching and relaxing). The overabundance of this casues me to relax too much or too quickly, resulting in extreme discomfort. It takes me 10 minutes to roll over in bed and to get out of bed. I have to do it all in one movement and all in alignment. It is really quite funny to see. dave laughs at me often, but it reallly isnt funny.
I dont do well at pain and it has been pretty constant with little to be done to give me any relief.
I have tried ice, heat, a bath, tylenol, NOTHING WORKS.
It is hard to deal with.
I am sorry if you are any of the people i havent been so nice to due to my pain. (Like my mama, im so sorry.)
Please pray that it gets better and soon.
I go to the MD this week too, and havent been for 6 weeks so i pray it is all good.
I have been having some pubic bone pain on and off and i did some with jeremiah, so i knew it was the pubic bones seperating and relaxing a little to make room for the baby to fit throuh the pelvis. I got that, but it got so much worse.
I have been researching and as far as i can tell, i must have too much of the hormone relaxin (the hormone responnsible for the stretching and relaxing). The overabundance of this casues me to relax too much or too quickly, resulting in extreme discomfort. It takes me 10 minutes to roll over in bed and to get out of bed. I have to do it all in one movement and all in alignment. It is really quite funny to see. dave laughs at me often, but it reallly isnt funny.
I dont do well at pain and it has been pretty constant with little to be done to give me any relief.
I have tried ice, heat, a bath, tylenol, NOTHING WORKS.
It is hard to deal with.
I am sorry if you are any of the people i havent been so nice to due to my pain. (Like my mama, im so sorry.)
Please pray that it gets better and soon.
I go to the MD this week too, and havent been for 6 weeks so i pray it is all good.
All the time that has passed
Ok, well, im a little late in getting this up and running. I am 23 weeks pregnant now.
Thankfully, that means I am past all the lovely days of being so dog tired and of being so nauseated.
This pregnancy has been so different from mine with Jeremiah.
With him, i was tired, but i napped anytime I needed to, becasue I could. With this one, I can only if he does and then I am chasing him around the rest of the time. He doesnt tire, he is sun up to sun down so its harder to refuel this time.
I was so nauseated from 8 weeks to about 16 weeks. I know my teeth suffered because just looking at a toothbrush gagged me to the point of throwing up numerous times. I didnt even have to put it in my mouth, all i had to do was look at it or pick it up. It was aweful!! I could eat, luckily, but felt sick before i ate and then again after i ate, so it was kind of pointless to eat, becasue nothing tasted good.
With Jeremiah, the day i hit my second trimester, i felt Great! I felt the best i had ever felt. Not with this one, it took a long time to feel good. I guess the fact that we were moving and packing and running around for over a month had something to do with it.
My skin looked beautiful with jeremiah, with this kid, i have so many zits. Even my back is broken out.
This has been a journey. Based on the fact that it is so different, my gut feeling, although very small is that maybe it is a girl.
I dont care either way, but we will find out this time.
Thankfully, that means I am past all the lovely days of being so dog tired and of being so nauseated.
This pregnancy has been so different from mine with Jeremiah.
With him, i was tired, but i napped anytime I needed to, becasue I could. With this one, I can only if he does and then I am chasing him around the rest of the time. He doesnt tire, he is sun up to sun down so its harder to refuel this time.
I was so nauseated from 8 weeks to about 16 weeks. I know my teeth suffered because just looking at a toothbrush gagged me to the point of throwing up numerous times. I didnt even have to put it in my mouth, all i had to do was look at it or pick it up. It was aweful!! I could eat, luckily, but felt sick before i ate and then again after i ate, so it was kind of pointless to eat, becasue nothing tasted good.
With Jeremiah, the day i hit my second trimester, i felt Great! I felt the best i had ever felt. Not with this one, it took a long time to feel good. I guess the fact that we were moving and packing and running around for over a month had something to do with it.
My skin looked beautiful with jeremiah, with this kid, i have so many zits. Even my back is broken out.
This has been a journey. Based on the fact that it is so different, my gut feeling, although very small is that maybe it is a girl.
I dont care either way, but we will find out this time.
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