Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I aint to proud...
A friend of mine kept mentioning that I should check out WIC. I didn't think we would qualify but i really didn't know anything about the program. I prayed a lot about our situation with formula and i thought it was worth a try. I looked into it and we DID qualify. I signed Thomas up for a clinic appointment to get him enrolled and while we were there, they said I should do it and Jeremiah as well, since we all qualified. So, after that we all got on the program. We get free formula now. 8 cans a month at $25 a can =$200 a month. That still amazes me. I am so thankful. In addition to that, we also get milk, juice, cheese, cereal and peanut butter every month, which also adds up. This is kind of humbling to me to admit that I am on WIC. I guess it shouldn't be because I am no better than anyone else, but I guess just to admit that we don't have a lot of money right now is hard for me. We are making ends meet and not really struggling though which I know is all God. We have a blessed life and I am so grateful for my life here in Cincinnati.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I am so grateful...
It always pays to trust God. Not only did i have a generous lady give me 6 cans of formula, but today i applied and qualified for Wic. That means, as far as i know, that our formula should be free. I got a prescription from the doctor today, since it isnt the basic formula, so we will see for sure tomorrow.
It is awesome the peace you feel despite not knowing the outcome when you give up your worries to God. I am so thankful that we qualified and that that is one thing we no longer have to worry about. God is so good.
I am so grateful that this is my only concern with my baby. There are so many less fortunate on here and i pray i can keep this perspective. Check out some of their blogs when you get time. They are listed on the side of my blog.
Thomas is smiling!
It is hard to believe that Thomas is 8 weeks old today. He has changed a lot. He is smiling more now. He is still a lot more serious than Jeremiah was at this age, but he is getting there. He likes his sleep which I am so excited about. He is sleeping now from about 11pm-6am.(Usually). He loves his Big Brother. He is always starring at him and smiling at him. He is pretty fond of his mama too, thankfully. He is doing well on his no milk, no soy formula. His skin looks better now and he seems much more comfortable. Our only issue is just cradle cap. We get it looking better and then it comes back. It is just so dry in our apartment, plus he wears a hat a lot. Oh well, life goes on.
This is the most crazy addictive game I have ever played on the computer. I try not to do things like this but Dave and I started it and had to force ourselves to stop. We havent even finished it yet. See what you think and if you can beat it.
Please dont blame me if you too become addicted. Consider yourself warned.
Friday, January 18, 2008
God never ceases to amaze me!
Let me just tell you one of the ways God rocks!
Today I got a phone call from a lady who is friends with one of my MOPS moms. She had heard I was asking for coupons for enfamil nutramigen. She runs a food pantry for Parkside Christian Church and had 6 cans to give me. That is $150 worth of formula. That is awesome. God is so good. He always provides for us even when we doubt. She said she will keep her eye out for any more and will give it to me as well. God is faithful even when we are faithless. Thank the Lord!!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008
another blog to check out
My good friend Alyse passed this blog onto me, so if you get a minute, check it out and pray for this courageous, inspiring family. It was so awesome to read of his remarkable faith and his journey through what I'm sure is so difficult.
Friday, January 11, 2008
-------- GO HEELS!!!------------
Crazy J Man-------------------------
-------------------------------------So Serious Thomas
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
so here we are...
So after so much prayer and tears I have decided that it is Thomas' best interest to try the hypoallergenic formula. I attempted this morning, not thinking, to give it to him. Not thinking about how totally different it must have tasted (it smells aweful). He totally refused it and screamed to the top of his lungs for about 45 minutes. This of course didn't help me to feel at peace about my decision. Later I pumped and mixed in just a little and he took it fine. Tonight I did the same, so hopefully over a day or so of adding a little more in, he will be ok with the taste.
It will be so much better to know he is free of milk/soy/egg. I do feel like this was the right decision, despite the cost. I am working on getting multiple coupons from people and hopefully some samples from the doctor. There is even a possibility that insurance could cover it or that we may be able to qualify for WIC. That would help a lot. Anyway, we are assured God will take care of us and make my sweet baby well.
It will be so much better to know he is free of milk/soy/egg. I do feel like this was the right decision, despite the cost. I am working on getting multiple coupons from people and hopefully some samples from the doctor. There is even a possibility that insurance could cover it or that we may be able to qualify for WIC. That would help a lot. Anyway, we are assured God will take care of us and make my sweet baby well.
Monday, January 7, 2008
eczema strikes again
The checks on Thomas' poopy diapers were positive for blood which is what we figured. The doctor said I should attempt to eliminate all dairy as well as soy from my diet and to limit my egg intake as well, since Jeremiah was allergic to them. So that leaves me to eat meat, fruits, and veggies (PLAIN). Anyway, this is so hard for me to know what to do. It can take up to 3 weeks for all the dairy to leave my system so any dairy that is remaining is still affecting Thomas and if I happen to accidentally ingest any, I will be to blame for continued stomach aches, prolonged crying and his itchy, eczema on his face. But if I switch to formula, which would have to be hypoallergenic, not milk-based or soy-based, and 3 times the price of normal formula, then I will be robbing him of the benefits of breastmilk. Either way, it is hard to know which is the right decision to make. I just want him to feel better and not cry or hurt.
Pray that I can be at peace with what I decide to do. Pray that we can afford it if it happens to be formula and that I can find things to eat and be satisfied if i chose the dairy/soy/egg free diet.
Pray that I can be at peace with what I decide to do. Pray that we can afford it if it happens to be formula and that I can find things to eat and be satisfied if i chose the dairy/soy/egg free diet.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Thomas at one month
Little Thomas Gray is 1 month old. He now weighs 10lbs 10 oz and is 23 inches long. He is 75% on his height and between 50-75% and his head is still 50%. He is sleeping a stretch of 5 hours usually but it starts around 10 most nights, which would be great if I went to bed at 10. Other than that it is still every 3 hours to eat.
We recently have noticed what appears to be blood streaks in Thomas' diaper so we are having to check his poop for blood and take it to the doctor. They think as of now it could just be that he is straining to poop or that he could possibly have a milk allergy or sensitivity. I am having to avoid all dairy since I am breastfeeding him. That is super hard. Please pray that it isnt an allergy. One kid with an egg allergy is bad enough. I cant imagine an egg and a milk allergy.
Here are a few new pictures. I was really bad at Christmas and didnt take many so I am waiting on mom and Harriet to send me more.
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