Little Thomas Gray is 1 month old. He now weighs 10lbs 10 oz and is 23 inches long. He is 75% on his height and between 50-75% and his head is still 50%. He is sleeping a stretch of 5 hours usually but it starts around 10 most nights, which would be great if I went to bed at 10. Other than that it is still every 3 hours to eat.
We recently have noticed what appears to be blood streaks in Thomas' diaper so we are having to check his poop for blood and take it to the doctor. They think as of now it could just be that he is straining to poop or that he could possibly have a milk allergy or sensitivity. I am having to avoid all dairy since I am breastfeeding him. That is super hard. Please pray that it isnt an allergy. One kid with an egg allergy is bad enough. I cant imagine an egg and a milk allergy.
Here are a few new pictures. I was really bad at Christmas and didnt take many so I am waiting on mom and Harriet to send me more.
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