Wednesday, November 14, 2007

2 weeks

I have 2 more weeks, if I make it. I have been contracting all night and all yesterday. I don't think I will be early but who knows. I wouldn't know what to do if I went into labor unless my water breaks. It isn't bad enough to wake me up though so I think I will know the difference when the real ones hit. I do what I remember from nursing school, drink water and rest. That is what I have been doing now for 2 days. I go to the MD tomorrow so we will see if they are doing anything or if it is still just Braxton Hicks.
Dave has such a busy weekend, he says it has to stay in at least through Monday. I agree. What if I have to have labor and deliver naturally. That is scary when you are all planned for a section.
Pray for me and this please. If Thomas is done cooking, bring him on. Just let me know whats going on and know that I'm in labor and be able to have an epidural no matter what.

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