So he arrived to make us a family of 4 at 1:22 pm this afternoon. He had 9,9 apgar scores, which is great. He was a beautiful color of pink and had a nice strong cry.
Surgery for me was good until I had the bag of pitocin to get my uterus to contract down. That was super painful for me. I dont remember that from Jeremiah. I was and am still pretty itchy, but I am trying not to take any benadryl as long as I can stand it. I had an intramuscular injection of morphine but once the bag of Pit ran out, it was amazingly better. I am sore and Im sure i will be tomorrow, but I feel good. I feel swollen especially in my face.
Jeremiah is doing well. He wants to hold the baby in between everyone else. Me, then J, then Harriet, then J. He is so funny. So far so good.
I love that we have WIFI here in the hospital. I will update with new pics as we get cute ones. '
Thanks for all the calls, texts, and especially your prayers. We really appreciate them. Love you guys! We have a baby, YAY!!!
Congratulations!!! He is so cute! I'm so glad that everything went well. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you all. I love you all.
i love the picture of thomas with all the HAIR! oh my word! He has so much already!
Rock On! Congrats everybody!...JOEL
Looks like Baby J. loves Baby T.! You did it Mandy!!! Congrats to the guys too!
So very cute...
Oh, I mean... uh, the boys are cute, too!
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