Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Allergy testing results

We had Jeremiah and Thomas tested a few weeks ago. Jeremiah to recheck his egg allergy and Thomas to confirm his milk allergy. So here is what we found out:

Jeremiah was a high allergy to eggs now is a moderate allergy to eggs. Improvement but still allergic. But he is also low allergy to walnuts and corn.WHO KNEW! We have never had any type of reaction that we know of to these but were encouraged to steer clear.
Thomas was a high allergy to milk- like we suspected but also a moderate allergy to peanuts. WOW- This was a surprise.(a scary one). He also had a low allergy to wheat. (crazy). The great thing was he wasn't allergic to soy, although many people allergic to milk are. So we can try soy formula, which is way cheaper and easier to be able to eat if he doesn't quickly outgrow this. This was a praise for sure though.
We are still really hoping that they will both outgrow their allergies pretty quickly. We will recheck Thomas at 1 year to see if we have made improvements and to determine what he can eat at that point.
Our doctor did encourage us to get to a pediatric allergist to be under their care, and to get more epi pens, especially now that we have a peanut allergy, since it has the highest likelihood of causing an anaphylactic reaction.
Please pray that our boys outgrow these allergies and that they never experience any type of severe reaction. This is very scary for us as parents, especially leaving them in the care of others at daycare now.

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