Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Im just tired...

There are some days I am just spent. Today has been one of those days. I am not sure what all has lead to it, but I have absolutely NO patience today. I am tired, cranky, moody, just ready for bed. I guess part of it is getting up still at least once a night with Thomas, dealing with my oh so ornery 4 year old and trying to be super wife all day every day. It just takes its toll on me.
I have tried to not have expectations of Dave so that I don't feel disappointed. I have noticed I am a much better wife and mom if I can do that but sometimes, it is hard.
Like this weekend, it was mothers day and our anniversary. He did remember, I got a card for both, very sweet and my favorite dark chocolates but I just don't feel like that was enough. It is an expectation problem, yes, but it has lead me to be how I am feeling today as well. Dave was gone all day to church and then getting ready for his mothers day deal and didn't have a lot of time for me. He left at 8 am and got home at 9pm.I just feel a little disappointed and a little slighted and really worn out from these boys. I know he hated not being able to be with me and if he could change things he would have. He is good intentioned, It is just hard on me sometimes. Maybe Im PMSing too, I dont know. I love my husband and my boys, sometimes Im just tired.
I just needed to vent that. I feel a little better now.


Stephanie Karnes said...

wow...mandy...can i relate to this one!! there are SO many days in my weeks that i feel the same. i feel so totally exhausted, impatient with my kids, like i'm going to go totally insane, and unappreciated. greg has some very long days. last friday he was up at 4am, out the door by 5am, and home at 8pm. this thursday and friday will be about the same. he has these stupid early morning meetings, plus works his shift. i could probably write much more on this, but it's getting late and my twins should be in bed already. sorry about your mother's day...i could feel your sadness in your words. last year's mother's day for me, to be honest, sucked. this years was a bit better. got to go. hope tomorrow is better. by the way, i just started a blog today! it's http://thekarneskrew.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

Keep repeating tomorrow will be better, tomorrow will be better - at least that's what I used to do on those days I thought I would go crazy when the twins were little and remember this phase too shall pass. I'm saying payers that tomorrow will be better.

Tammy Campany

Anonymous said...

Mother's Day comes before Father's Day for a good reason......Now you know what David will get for Father's Day.....a card and a day with his boys...while you take a nice nap.

Just kidding........or maybe not.